Our History
Dalata launches 2030 growth vision

Targeting portfolio expansion from 12k to 21k rooms by 2030.
Dalata Announces €600 million refinancing to fuel growth

Refinancing includes €100 million Green Term Loan and Inaugural Private Placement of €125 million Green Loan Notes.
Brand Repositioning

Dalata repositions its three main brands; Dalata Hotel Group (the parent entity) and the four-star Clayton Hotels and Maldron Hotels.
First steps into Continental Europe

Group acquires the operating and leasehold interest in Clayton Hotel Düsseldorf.
Dermot Crowley appointed CEO

Transitioning from Deputy CEO - Business and Development Finance.
Covid-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 Pandemic hits resulting in major disruption to the hospitality and tourism sectors - Dalata's proactive response focused on protecting its people, operations and finance position.
Dalata Academy is born

The Dalata Academy is established, highlighting Dalata's commitment to L&D and nurturing its internal talent.
Transition to main markets UK & IE

Dalata were admitted to the primary listing segment of the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange and the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority of the UK.
Clayton Hotels is established

Acquisition of the Moran Bewley’s Hotel Group (MBHG)

During 2014 and 2015, the Group raised €850 million in equity and debt to purchase hotel assets of which the MBHG was the largest for an enterprise value of €453 million.
March 2014 IPO

Dalata raises €265 million and lists on the ESM market of the Irish Stock Exchange and AIM market in London in March 2014.
First step into the UK

Maldron Brand is established

The group rebranded its leased hotels under its own Maldron Hotels brand.
Dalata was founded

Dalata was founded in August 2007 with investment from TVC Holdings plc and clients of Davy Property Holdings and acquired a group of hotels from Choice Hotels Ireland.
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